If you have no plans of letting your pet rabbits produce offspring, then you should have them spayed (for females) or neutered (for males). Rabbits that are scheduled for the procedure needs to be fasted. But this is when the problem starts. Rabbits can develop problems when the movement of their gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is stopped, even temporarily. After surgery, it can also be hard to get the rabbit’s GIT moving. To prevent this from happening, encourage your pet rabbit to munch on hay until the animal is given general anesthetic right before spaying or neutering. After the procedure, there should be good quality hay in the rabbit’s pen to encourage eating once he has recovered from anesthesia. The days after being spayed or neutered is a critical one thus you should closely supervise your pet during the healing and recovery period. Make sure that he starts munching on hay within 1-2 hours after waking up post-surgery. Don’t hesitate to talk to your vet Cedar Rapids, IA about any concerns or issues you may have about your pet.