Are All Dogs At Risk for Heartworm Disease?
Yes, all dogs are at risk for contracting heartworms. Even if you think you live in an area with few mosquitoes and believe the risk is ...
Yes, all dogs are at risk for contracting heartworms. Even if you think you live in an area with few mosquitoes and believe the risk is ...
Has your dog been prescribed NSAIDs? Make sure you talk with your vet to find out what type of NSAIDs have been prescribed and what the ...
Pet food can be full of unnatural ingredients that can be harmful to animals. Preservatives like the sugar-rich ingredient namely...
Modern vaccines have your dog covered for the canine influenza virus. A newer strain of the virus has, however, emerged – to which the ...
Many states in the US have a mandatory requirement that dogs have to be restrained inside a vehicle when traveling. Regardless if there...
When a cat coughs, the pet owner should not consider it an illness on its own, but a possible symptom of a health issue. If you ever...
Cat owners should get their cats vaccinated so they can be protected from various medical issues that could be serious or even lethal,...
There are several potential causes of acne in cats. Sometimes, poor grooming is predisposing factor. But it could also be triggered by a...
A cat’s poop can say a lot about the cat’s health. If the poop is a light to dark brown color and not too soft then the cat’s poop is...
Palatability of cat food is undoubtedly one of the most important qualities that pet owners should consider when buying one for their ...
Our beloved pets are very careful and meticulous in their grooming habits (especially cats), but they can still benefit a lot from...
Pet owners would agree that it's important for you to create a good and lasting relationship with your cat. It also goes without saying...
A microchip is considered a dependable way of identification for pets like dogs and cats. In fact, experts agree that pet microchips are...
If you own a dog, please make sure you keep certain foods away from your dog at all times. This includes a variety of foods that your vet...
Your feline friend can often be found hiding in areas of your home and you don’t entirely understand why she feels the need to do this....
You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to stay safe and sound in your care. A collar can help with this, as it can hook to her...
Are you familiar with Algerian hedgehog? Hedgehogs are considered to be exotic pets. The Algerian hedgehog is a type of hedgehog kept as...
Did you know that iguanas like other lizards, snakes and turtles can get mouth rot? What is mouth rot? Medically, it is known as necrotic...
Guinea pigs do not typically blink their eyes like other animals nor do they close their eyes, even while they sleep. Keeping the eyes...
Did you know that donkeys like to lick on salt blocks? Buying large salt blocks for the pasture can help distract your donkey and keep...