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Why Pet Owners Must Get Ready for Tick and Flea Season

Dogs as well as cats are commonly targeted by parasites particularly ticks and fleas. In order to protect your beloved pet from parasites like these, you need to take careful steps to avert tick or flea infestation. Aside from being nasty blood-drinking parasites, ticks and fleas can bring about as well as transmit health problems to many pets. For instance, severe flea infestation in really young puppies and kittens can bring about anemia or even death.

Flea bites can bring about minor skin irritation in many pets. But if a certain pet is hypersensitive to flea bites, even just one or two bites, such pet could experience what's called flea allergy dermatitis, and this can bring about intense skin irritation or itching and make the pet scratch continuously (this could bring about skin wounds or massive hair loss in the long run). Scabs and raw locations of irritation could also form eventually.

Discuss with your veterinarian Leesburg, VA about the best way to protect your pet from fleas and ticks throughout the year.

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