Once you show Burmese cats tender care, they will reciprocate this and show you never-ending loyalty. They would enjoy all of the time they get to spend with you. They also get along well with other cats and animals like dogs.
However, you need to be extra careful as Burmese cats would prefer to have another Burmese cat as their company. If you introduce them to other cat breeds, make sure you observe their reaction towards them.
They are smart cats balanced with the perfect amount of being affectionate too. These cats can be trained to perform many tricks. Like dogs, they can retrieve toys, so that’s why they are sometimes referred to as “dog-cats.”
Burmese cats are highly observant and just loves to watch the world around them. They like to keep a close look at their environment. They also love to explore and roam around new places and find new places to hide and rest.
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