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Why Putting Litter Boxes Side-By-Side Is A Great Idea


Placing two litter boxes side-by-side might decrease or eliminate problems of inappropriate elimination and other issues that cats may have with their litter boxes. One important reason is that there are cats that prefer to urinate in one litter box and defecate in another. Animal behaviorists think that it can be brought about by their instinct to isolate and conceal their scents, which is a trait that they got from their wild ancestors. The behavior could also be an effort to extend their territory by leaving their signature scent. Whatever may be the reason, it has been observed t hat if there is only one litter box, the cat would urinate in it and go outside to poop.

Having 2 litter boxes will also provide your furball with more choices. If one is already a bit dirty, your cat has the choice to do his thing in a cleaner litter box. This can reduce the chances of your kitty eliminating outside the box .

Sudden changes in your pet’s elimination habits should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Plano, TX. Set an appointment at this website.



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