Rabbits possess strong territorial instincts. Like cats, they hate any change in their immediate environment. They hate things being moved or new things placed in. So when cleaning your pet’s pen, be sure to return everything just the way it was. This is what your pet bunny likes. Also, rabbits have a keen sense of smell, so when you wash their bedding, always remember to use unscented soap. They tend to avoid bedding that has been washed with scented laundry soap. Unscented litter should only be used for their litter box. When your pet rabbit realizes that you are respecting their space, he may learn to tolerate the routine.
To protect yourself from your pet’s attacks while cleaning the pen or litter box, use boots and gloves. When he attacks, don’t swat him away, just be firm in holding your ground and let him continue with his aggressive actions. Speak to him in a calm and soothing voice. The moment he gives up his attacks, be quick to reward his behavior with a yummy treat. Offer it to him using your gloved hand.
Rabbits can also develop health issues that needs proper medical attention. Schedule an appointment with your animal hospital Dallas, GA sooner rather than later.