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Why Does My Cat Always Like To Hide

Every cat will try hiding every now and then. Your cat will sometimes locate a comfortable and warm spot away from everyone’s view and then just snuggle in there for quite a long sleep session. There are cats that skittish and hide more often since they are not as social, but there are also some cats that like being among other pets and people as often as they can. As with humans, each pet is unique.

But pets rarely ever want to hide every single time. If your cat only comes out to eat and drink and she seems to be actively trying to evade everyone, this is usually a sign that she is feeling ill.

Back in the wilderness, getting sick can be problematic. It reduces the cat’s speed, therefore less likely to escape predators. To avoid becoming prey themselves, it is instinctive to cats that they hide until they feel better.

This does make sense back in the wilderness but does not do anything these days in the safety of your own home. Still, though, your cat has no idea what or who is just around a corner, so she will retreat to her instincts and find that safe isolated section in your home.

Should your cat abruptly start to hide every single time, it is always best to schedule an appointment with your veterinarians Webster NY the soonest as it can indicate that your cat might be ill.

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