Caring for a pet corn snake (pantherophis guttata) is relatively easy making them quite popular with reptile keepers. A corn snake’s mild temperament makes it an ideal pet for beginner reptile keepers. Corn snakes live for as long as twenty-three years in captivity, most especially if provided with proper nutrition and care.
A fifteen-gallon tank can comfortably accommodate a corn snake two feet long. Just be sure that the enclosure is fitted with a durable non-escapable cover. Much like the enclosures of various other reptile species, temperature gradation must be present inside your corn snake’s enclosure. The temperature gradient means that one area of the enclosure is warmer creating a basking spot, and the opposite corner is cooler. The basking spot should have a temperature of around 85-90 degrees and the cooler side at about 75 degrees. This gradient in temperature will aid in the reptile’s thermoregulation.
Any noticeable changes in the behavior and/or the health of your pet should prompt a visit to your animal hospital Middletown, DE.