Most pet owners consider their cat's whiskers only a physical characteristic, similar to hair or facial hair on a human face. Your cat's whiskers are far more complicated. Whiskers, also known as vibrissa, are touch receptors that stretch deep underneath the skin linked with the cat's neurological system. Whiskers detect the cat's immediate environment, including what and where the cat is, as well as the cat's orientation in space. Thus, the cat's whiskers aid them in navigating obstructions in the dark, hunting prey, and determining whether or not they can fit inside a small spot.
Whisker fatigue happens when the whisker's sensory system is overstimulated. When the whiskers are touched too much, such as when they brush across food and water bowls, the cat's brain receives a barrage of sensory impulses. This excessive stimulation may cause your cat to become nervous or disturbed.
Regular visits to your animal hospital Santa Rosa, CA for checkups will benefit your pet. Schedule an appointment today!