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Which Roads Are Most Dangerous To Cats?

You may know now that cats are prone to experiencing road traffic accidents (RTA) when they have regular and free access to the outside world.

Allowing your felines to go out is not completely a bad idea because it breaks the boredom and monotonous aspect of just staying indoors. But, keep in mind that letting your cats out by themselves comes with great risks of physical dangers.

One of the most common causes of mortality among cats is the RTA. As a fur parent, you must know the basics involving this case.

  • Most RTAs happen in areas with high levels of traffic.

  • Cats residing in rural areas are more prone to getting involved in an RTA compared with those living in urban places. Why? Because rural cats are less “streetwise” and are not used to exposure to traffic.

  • Cats staying in a house near a straight road are prone to getting involved in an RTA.

  • Cats hunting along roadsides may easily suffer from an RTA.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Washington DC for proper medical attention.

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