If you’re raising a litter of pups you probably have a lot of questions on what to feed them, when to wean them, etc. Your vet can help you with all of these areas. Weaning, in general, is when you start to reduce your Beagle pups’ dependence or access to their mother’s milk and her care. Weaning typically begins at three or four weeks of age and should be complete by the time the Beagle pups reach seven or eight weeks of age. Experts recommend making the process as gradual as possible to not only reduce stress for the puppies and mother, but to also give the puppies time to learn behaviors from their mother and siblings. For instance, puppies will learn how to interpret signs of dominance, restrain their own biting habits, and submit to more dominant dogs during their time with their siblings and mother. Work with your vet New Orleans, LA for more information.