Have you observed how cats behave and how they do things as part of their daily lives? If you have not, be informed that these species are normally conscious and delicate about their toilet practices. A cat digs up the soil or sand to lose her bowel or uses a litter tray.
This undertaking has become a routine among the feline family. Thus, discovering feces or urine outside of your cat’s toilet area can be bothersome. This incident is something unusual and only happens during the following instances:
When the cat is sick
When the cat is trapped inside a room or a small area
When the cat is scared
When your cat experiences this, better bring her to your vet. Your cat may be suffering from a physical or emotional strain; do not punish her. Instead, your cat needs help, care, and attention.
If you have any concerns about your pet's elimination habits, make an appointment with your professional animal hospital Sarasota, FL.