As with most animals, lizards tend to be stoic when ill. Some of the most reliable telltale signs of sickness are that the animal abruptly loses its appetite, weight loss, and an air of apathy. If you suspect that your pet lizard is ill, you will want to bring the animal to a veterinarian specializing in reptiles. The usual ailments that can affect pet lizards are mouth rot and internal parasites. Mouth rot could stop the lizard from normal feeding, and although it is treatable, it requires that the lizard is under anesthesia first. There are also lizards that have issues with molting or skin shedding. If that is the case, try raising the vivarium’s humidity levels. A deficiency in vitamin D and calcium eventually leads to the animal getting metabolic bone diseases and also having unsanitary living conditions puts the animal at risk of developing pneumonia.
Maintaining the absolute cleanliness of the vivarium, ensuring your pet gets the right nutrients, and keeping stress away by maintaining the habitat at just the right temperature and proper foliage go the distance in illness prevention.
Your veterinary clinic Greater Cincinnati is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.