There are many cats that prefer to live outdoors. For these cats, the ‘call of the wild’ remains to be strong even with domestication. But what happens when your indoor-outdoor cat has been out for far too long than usual? What should you do? First, try calling your kitty’s name; perhaps, he’s just lurking close by with other feline friends. Maybe he's just on hunting mode and will eventually come back.
If you think that your cat hasn't been back in a while but you notice the cat food bowl is empty, you should consider setting up a night vision or infrared camera in front of his favorite space (where the food bowl is placed) to find out who’s been sweeping the bowl clean. If your cat's still nowhere to be found, you may also visit the nearest animal shelter to check if he's been captured. You should also ask your veterinarian Webster, NY about having your cat fitted with a microchip so there will be a higher chance of your pet being returned to you in case he gets lost.