A cat’s purr may mean several things. Their purr may express contentment and happiness. They may purr while they cuddle with you on the couch. Feeling these vibrations along their bodies brings you so much joy and comfort that your cat is content. However, this purring sound is more than a sign of their content and pleasure. Based on research, a cat’s purr offers benefits to both the feline and her owner.
Firstly, it’s vital to know what a cat’s purr entails. When a feline purrs, she uses both the diaphragm and larynx. The muscles in these two organs vibrate rapidly up to twenty to thirty times in a second. When a feline exhales, it moves through these vibrating muscles which result in the purring sound we take comfort in. Nevertheless, it’s important to note that a purring sound doesn’t always indicate that they’re feeling content.
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