Fleas are among the most common culprits of skin itching and irritation in dogs. In some areas, there is a distinct flea season where the flea population skyrockets. However, a flea infestation can still occur in any season of the year, thus, pets will need a good health program that will include flea preventatives that can protect pets not only during flea season but throughout the year. Other problems that have been associated with fleas include the following:
Dogs that are hypersensitive to an allergen in flea saliva can suffer an allergic reaction that is characterized by intense itching and skin irritation. This is referred to as ‘flea allergy dermatitis’ (FAD).
Fleas are important transport hosts of tapeworms. Dogs acquire tapeworms when they ingest fleas that are infected with tapeworms while grooming.
Fleas are important carriers of bacterial diseases.
Fleas also bite humans. Unfortunately, some humans are also allergic to flea bites and can suffer from intense itching.
Talk to your vet Lewisville, TX about the best way to protect your pet from fleas. Visit this link to know more: https://riverchaseanimalhospital.com/