Since most rabbits spend quite a lot of time inside enclosures, obesity has become a common issue with them. Lack of physical activity and the consumption of more calories are obesity risks. Being too liberal with sweet treats can also contribute to the risk. Keep in mind that the treats are also calorie sources for your rabbit, in addition to its regular diet. Therefore, the key is moderation. As an alternative, you can look for healthier replacements like vegetables and fruits.
Your pet bunny needs to spend a substantial period of time outside its cage daily. These instances are your rabbit’s chance to perform instinctive behaviors like hopping and jumping. Before letting your bunny out of its cage, make sure that the area has been inspected to be rabbit-proof so that unfortunate accidents are avoided.
What can be the indicator of your rabbit being obese or overweight? There are different sets of criteria for each rabbit breed. These criteria indicate the normal weight and size for a specific breed and you can use them as guidelines to assign a score on body condition. If you do not feel confident about the procedures, ask your vet Castle Hills TX for assistance.