Grooming your cat does not have to be a meticulous process. Knowing how and what to use in grooming your cats is a must for every cat owner. Grooming is second nature to cats but they will still need some help from their owners when it comes to keeping their hair coats clean and tangle-free. This is especially true for long-haired cats.
For the removal of mats, use your thumb and forefinger to get a hold of tangled hair, then slowly run the comb from the tip towards the clump. If your cat is uncomfortable with the procedure, it is advisable to let your vet or groomer remove them.
Tools for grooming your cats are widely available in the market. Items such as brushes remove tangled hairs without causing pain. These brushes also come in various sizes. The long bristle ones are for those with long hair coats, while the short bristles are for those with short hairs.
Any issue concerning your pet’s hair and/or skin should warrant an appointment with your vet hospital Portland, OR. Learn more here.