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Weaning Bottle-Fed Kittens

Transitioning from feeding with a bottle to drinking using a feeding bowl is called weaning, and it does not happen overnight. Patience and persistence will go a long way but will pay off, eventually.

Abandoned or orphaned newborn kittens are the ones that are usually bottle-fed. Check with your veterinarian for recommendations regarding milk formula so that digestive issues can be prevented. Bottle-feeding is usually multiple times within a day so you will need to set aside time to stick to this schedule.

A kitten’s first several weeks are critical wherein nutrition and care are to be provided so that she thrives even in the absence of her mother. For around four to five weeks, a kitten would usually be fed using a bottle before she is weaned.

Not all kittens wean equally well. Some will have no problems, while some might take a longer period figuring out how to drink and eat from their water and food bowls. Do not rush the weaning progression. It has to be done at the pace your kitten is comfortable with.

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your veterinarian Murrieta, CA. To know more, visit their homepage.

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