Cats often like to prowl around looking for prey to eat or pray to play with. It can be common for cats to wander off even for more than a day. In most cases, the cats will return home no problem. Sometimes, though, the cat may not return home for a few days which can cause a lot of panic to the owner. This may even have owners wondering if cats wandering off is normal or something to talk to the vet about? In general, most cats like to explore new places and check out their local neighborhoods. Cats are predators by nature after all. Most cats return same day or next day. Things that could slow their return include being chased by another predator, losing track of time while exploring new territory, or even taking up residents at another home just for fun or because free food is offered. If you’re still worried about your cat’s wanderings, talk with your pet clinic Plano, TX.
Visit this link and set an appointment: https://planotxvets.com/