If you own a ferret, make sure you talk to your vet about possible health conditions that you should look out for as your ferret grows older. Although eye conditions can happen at any age, some are seen often either in younger years or senior years with few cases in the middle years. Uveitis is a condition that can affect ferrets. Uveitis is inflammation of the uvea or the middle layer of the eye. It is a condition that is often caused by trauma to the eye. For example, a wound to the eye may become infected. The infection has the potential to lead to the development of the Aleutian’s disease virus known as Uveitis. Uveitis can also be a cause of other eye conditions like cataracts and glaucoma. Unlike other eye conditions in ferrets, Uveitis can be treated with anti-inflammatory medications. Click to learn more or call your vet Wichita, KS.
Uveitis in Ferrets