A UTI is also known as a Urinary Tract Infection and it is a common illness in a variety of dog breeds including the Belgian Tervurens. Symptoms that your Belgian Tervurens may have a UTI include his inability to urinate, passing small amounts of urine at a time, blood in the urine, leaking of urine, frequent urination, increased water consumption, and/or fever. If your Belgian has any of these symptoms please call your vet right away. Your vet will most likely conduct a routine exam and possibly run blood work and a urinary analysis to find a diagnosis. UTI treatment may include antibiotics, diet change, and even surgery in extreme cases. It’s important to note that any dog could be prone to a UTI infection, but some believe it is more common in older female or male dogs and dogs with diabetes. If your Belgian is still in pain after treatment call your vet clinic Georgetown, IN. Read more here.