Even if your cat is properly trained, she might resort to urine marking from time to time. Urine marking refers to peeing on a vertical surface to show the cat's ownership.
This cat's behavior is a concern because this is not a health condition. As such, your cat still pees on the litter box. But there will be times when she will urinate outside the box. Treatment for this behavior is different from other elimination problems.
During urine marking, the cat will turn her back on a vertical area and spray urine on the surface. The usual areas that the cat marks are the chair, the wall, and the speaker. Her body is erect and her tail is extended straight up. The cat's tail will sometimes wiggle during the process. When your cat is marking, she usually releases less amount of urine compared to regular urinating. But even if the amount of pee is not a lot, you will still have to clean afterward.
If you have concerns about your pet’s health and/or behavior, contact your veterinary clinic Seminole, FL. Visit their website to know more.