Tyzzer’s disease is a bacterial infection which is caused by Clostridium piliforme. It can affect many types of small mammals, such as guinea pigs, gerbils, hamsters, and rabbits. The causative agent dwells in the intestine of the host and the main route of transmission between animals is through ingestion of food and water that are contaminated with the feces of infected animals. Clostridium bacteria are spore formers; this property protects them from heat and many types of disinfectants thus they can survive for many years in the environment. It is the bacterial spores that are shed in the feces of animals that are infected.
Tyzzer’s disease is characterized by the death of cells in the liver and intestinal tract of their hosts. Prominent symptoms include watery diarrhea that result in staining around the area of their anus, dehydration, depression, and lethargy. Affected small mammals also have unkempt hair coats. Acute cases tend to occur in young animals or those that are under stressful conditions, like poor hygiene, overcrowding, extreme environmental conditions (such as extreme temperature and humidity), heavy parasite load, or nutritional deficiencies. Acute cases can lead to death within 48 hours after the first symptoms appear.
Bring your pet to a vet clinic San Antonio, TX when you notice sudden changes in his health and/or behavior. Visit this site for more information.