Hypothyroidism is a common illness in medium to large size canines including (but not limited to) Doberman Pinschers, Irish Setters, Golden Retrievers, Great Danes, and Old English Sheepdog and Irish Setters. The condition develops as a result of an insufficient amount of T3 and T4 hormones. This usually occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce the needed hormone amounts necessary for maintaining the Irish Setter’s metabolism. Symptoms may include lethargy, weight gain, weakness, hair loss, and mental dullness. Treatment options are available and tend to be life-long for most canines. Treatment may involve the administering of medication and the administering of the missing hormones in synthetic form. Dosages are based on the individual Irish Setter’s needs and may need to be adjusted throughout the dog’s lifetime. Consult with your vet Carmel Valley for more information on treatment options and long-term management for your particular canine’s needs.