Does your dog know basic commands? If not, you’ll want to work on your pup’s education in the coming year. Training is of course important for manners. You don’t want your dog jumping up on guests, or constantly hauling you around on his walks. However, it’s also important for safety purposes.
Most trainers agree on what the most important commands for your canine pal to know are, with Sit, Stay, Come, Down, and Lay Down, being the top five, shortly followed by Leave It or Drop It.
You’ll want to teach your pup one at a time. The command to Sit is usually the easiest to start with, as most dogs pick it up very quickly. Work on one thing at a time. Provide lots of treats and praise to reward your pet for doing well. Patience is king here!
Be sure to bring your pet to your veterinarians clinic Olympia, WA regularly!