Making changes to your pet ferret's food should be gradual to avoid issues, as some ferrets tend to reject any new food offerings right away. Their bodies require adjusting, necessitating a transition phase.
Begin by offering to your ferret little food bits from your hand. Allowing your pet to smell and taste what you are providing helps as your pet will get accustomed to it. Ferrets prefer to eat from their owners' hands, especially if they have already bonded, giving ferrets more enjoyment than food from a container. Once your pet is familiar with the food sample, you may already incorporate it into its regular diet. Start with 75% original food and 25% new food. Then, transition to an equal measurement until more than half of the serving comprises the latest food. If no adverse responses occur, your pet's diet will be 100% new food.
Before modifying your pet's diet, you should contact your veterinarian Aurora, CO to ensure that changing the food benefits your pet's health in the long term. Click here to know More.