The idea of a lost pet is enough to make people shudder. After all, they're family. You didn't put all that effort into raising your animal only to let a completely preventable situation ruin things. Your pet will always want to get back to you, but whether it can find its way home after roaming around is another thing entirely.
Find out all the possible ways your animal can sneak out. Is there something keeping your pet in place when you open your car door? Maybe you have a fence. But if it's standing on soil rather than on concrete, your pet can dig its way out. Also, make sure the leash you're using isn't loose enough that the little bugger can slip out with a few maneuvers.
You must have heard of microchipping by now. It's the best chance your pet has of being reunited with you after a natural disaster. But if, for some reason, you're against microchipping, at least buy a collar with a tag where you can put the animal's name as well as your contact information.
If you have questions and/or concerns about microchips for pets, don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian Salem, VA about them.