Pet parasites carry diseases. With proper medication, these can be prevented. Ticks and fleas not only irritate your pet but also host various diseases that negatively impact the health of your pet. Heartworm is a possibly fatal parasitic infection living in your cat or dog’s heart and damaging the tissues.
Getting rid of fleas in your home on your pet could take a considerable amount of expense. These parasites are also next to impossible to destroy because their eggs could survive for quite a length of time. Work with us to formulate the ideal tick and flea prevention plans for your animal companion.
Fleas are tiny parasites that can jump and feed off blood. They also play host to critical diseases and frequently trigger allergic dermatitis and “severe itching” in animal companions.
Ticks are another external parasite that consumes bodily fluids. They could also transmit diseases from an animal off to another one. They are the major spreaders of diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, and anaplasmosis/ehrlichiosis.
Heartworm parasites can live in a cat or dog’s heart. Mosquitos are the ones that host the worm and transmit them from an infected animal onto another. A few hundred of these worms can be living in a dog’s heart, and this infection can cause major damage that could result in death.
Work with your vet New Orleans, LA in creating a parasite preventive program that will give year-round protection for your pet.