Guinea pigs feel wary of their human companions, which is typical. Take your time to develop a bond with your pet guinea pig until it feels comfortable, safe and secure when you hold it.
When your guinea pig initially arrives at your house, please leave it in its guinea pig cage.
It is usually preferable to keep guinea pigs away from their owners during the first few days to acclimate to their new environment. You can still bond with your guinea pig even without physically handling it.
Talk to your guinea pig via the cage. Your pet will get used to your voice if you do this regularly. Your pet will become used to your fragrance over time. It may also positively link you to food. Your guinea pig will ultimately perceive you as a good part of its life rather than a burden if you do not force it to connect with you right away.
Remember that guinea pigs require a secure environment. Allow your pet to walk. Sit on an even ground to be on the same level as your pet when you take it from the cage and make it feel more at ease.
Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital North Redington Beach, FL.