Basic obedience is important for dogs. One who knows how to respond properly to commands is less likely to be in danger.
Proper behavior promotes safety. If you let your dog walk without a leash, or if he bolts inside the house whenever you open the door, training him to come to you when you call his name is essential. You can, for instance, keep him away from a fast car or aggressive animals.
Well-mannered dogs are great neighbors. Of course, you won't like it when your four-legged buddy displays too much enthusiasm to children afraid of dogs or an old neighbor who can hardly get her feet steady.
Ideally, pup training must start at 3 months or younger, but start with light training first, such as potty training and household grounds like the right places to sleep, eat, hang out, as well as if couches are off-limits.
If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Marietta, GA. Read more here.