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The Quills of a Hedgehog


Hedgehogs are a type of exotic pocket pet. Some people consider hedgehogs to be an alternative pet to the gerbil and hamster. Most hedgehogs weigh only one pound and generally live three to five years. What makes them a unique pet is the fact they have over five to seven thousand quills covering their body. Contrary to popular belief, the hedgehog is not related to the porcupine. In fact, the quills are not sharp like a porcupine either. A hedgehog’s quills are actually smooth and soft to the touch. They tend to feel like the bristles on a brush. The quills only point out and act as a protecting agent when the hedgehog feels threatened. His first line of defense is to roll into a ball with his quills sticking out in all direction. Consult with your veterinarian Middletown, DE to learn more about hedgehogs.



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