Did you know that the Basset Hound is one of the most recognized dog breeds? Just the name most likely brings to mind those long ears, long muzzle, short legs, stocky stature, and cute waddle walk. His face alone can melt a heart and convince you to bring him and 10 others home with you! THE Basset Hound can weigh as much as 64 pounds and live 10 to 12 years. He’s already a unique canine, but his colors add even more to the uniqueness. The Basset is a member of the hound family and carries the traditional Basset colors of brown and white, tri-color, red and white, black and white, lemon and white, and of course black and brown. If you want a particular color then you should go with a breeder. The most popular is the brown, white, and black coloring. Learn more about this adorable canine from your animal hospital Middletown, DE.