Dogs bred to keep foxes out of their hiding spots during hunting exhibitions are known as Fox Terriers. As indicated in their names, these pups are great hunting dogs. They will not be called “Fox” Terriers if they do not successfully flush out foxes.
These days, Fox Terriers do well as show dogs and family companions. But some still participate in hunting endeavours, specifically in the northeast United States.
So what are the fascinating characteristics of these pups? Some are listed below:
Highly intelligent
Can become loyal to the humans who provide their needs
Need mental and physical stimulation

Fox Terriers have already been around since the 18th century. This breed is classified into two: Wire Fox and Smooth Fox. Wire Foxes are happy, stylish, and handsome. The Smooth Foxes are elegant, intelligent, and sleek. Both types are known as “Foxys” and are popular for being inquisitive, active, and outgoing.
If you have any concerns about your pet's health and/or behaviour, make an appointment with a veterinary hospital Washington DC.