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The English Setter


English Setters took their name from their practice of setting— crouching low upon finding a bird to let the hunters know where to throw the net. But as the gun rose to popularity, the breed was developed to adapt to the "pointer" style.

Until today, English Setters still serve as hunting dogs, but they also function as family companions now. They are generally affectionate and will love not just their humans but other pets at home, too. However, their exercise needs and high energy may be too much for apartment living. They best be in a spacious house that has a yard.

Also called The Moderate Setter, English Setters are not only excellent hunters but are also people-oriented, friendly, and easygoing— perfect for active families. These kind, gentle, affectionate, loyal, and sociable dogs are neither too rambunctious nor aloof as their other Setter cousins. With that, they make great companions to kids.

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