If you observe your cat being anorectic partially for several weeks or completely for several days, then significant or even fatal issues might happen.
The effects of having a decreased appetite followed by a bodyweight reduction of around thirty percent are significantly hazardous for cats that are overweight. If your pet cat is obese and her calorie intake fails to adequately supply her energy needs, her body will begin to use up the stored fat for energy, causing fat infiltration of the liver. Then hepatic lipidosis and resulting liver failure would happen if the animal’s liver cells cannot remove the surplus fatty deposits.
And since cats are considered obligate carnivores, their protein consumption is vital when compared with omnivores like dogs and humans. Hepatic lipidosis is further exacerbated because of extended reduced protein intake.
There are conditions like diabetes mellitus that push the urge to consume water and offer this false sense that all is well for a pet owner.
Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your vet clinic Bourne, MA. Click here to know more about their services.