Puppies need high-quality, brand-name puppy food to get their needed nutrients. Large dog breeds also need a diet that is specially formulated for them.
Try not to give “people food” to your puppy because it doesn’t contain the vitamins and minerals that your dog needs. He might also be picky with food later on. And most importantly, give your doggie fresh and clean water regularly.
Feeding guide for puppies
Give four meals a day for eight to 12 weeks old puppies
Give three meals a day for three to six months old puppies
Give two meals a day for six months to one-year-old puppies
Give one meal a day when the puppy is one year old
Feeding guide for older dogs
Larger breeds can eat two small meals in a day
Premium-quality dry food can be mixed with broth or canned food. it provides a well-balanced diet for adult dogs
You can mix dog food with cottage cheese, cooked egg, fruits, and vegetables but it should only be equal to 10% of the daily food intake
Do consult your veterinarian Shreveport LA before making any changes to your pet’s diet.