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Sugar Gliders Are Awake At Night


You can teach a sugar glider to sleep during the night. Surprisingly, some pet owners prefer that a sugar glider sleeps during the day. Some of their reasons could be the lack of human interaction because the owner is away at work. Since sugar gliders will be alone, they should sleep instead. And they can bond during night time.

Just so you know, sugar gliders can be emotional if they don’t have anyone to interact with during the night. This is a concern that pet owners should know. They might need to adopt a new lifestyle to bond with their pet.

Sugar gliders may become depressed if they are always alone. They will prefer spending time with their owners. But if they have another sugar glider to bond with, then they would not be as depressed. Consider this fact before you adopt a sugar glider.

If you have concerns about your pet health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your animal hospital Greater Cincinnati.



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