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Sudden Weight Loss Is Dangerous To Cats

Although cats should have ideal body weight, it is also not advisable for the cat to lose weight rapidly. There can be life-threatening consequences when the cat does not eat for a few days.

When the cat loses weight rapidly, the body will have less fat to process. To compensate for the loss, the body will use the stored fat to produce energy for the body. Unfortunately, this process will bring in fat to the liver and will lead to hepatic lipidosis. In this case, there will be a liver failure if the liver cannot get rid of the fatty deposits inside.

Cats are obligate carnivores. This means that they need a lot of protein in their bodies. Cats need more proteins when compared to dogs and humans. If they don’t get their daily calorie consumption, they can also develop hepatic lipidosis.

Don’t get complacent when the cat suddenly develops an urge to drink more. The cat might not necessarily regain her appetite, but developed diabetes mellitus instead.

Do consult your vets Metairie LA before starting your pet on a weight loss program.

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