Every cat owner’s nightmare is a lost pet. However, being alert and having the knowledge of what to do next can help in the improved possibility of finding your missing pet.
Number one in your to-do list should be to thoroughly search every nook and cranny of your home, as well as the surrounding areas, including the nearby community. Go through each room of your house methodically and thoroughly. It may probably be best to do this at night, the quiet environment will help, as you can easily listen for your cat’s meow, or your cat can hear you calling her. If you do not find your cat during your initial search, do not get easily discouraged.
Cats have a territorial instinct and will rarely wander a long way from your house if allowed outside. It is, however, conceivable that your kitty could have encountered a feral cat, or perhaps a possible predator that may be the impetus for her to run and try to escape. Or she could just be going after an identified prey. If your kitty is not used to being outside the home, she may have some difficulty in locating her way back. Or, she could just be hiding in a bush or one of your trash cans. If kitty is still missing after a day, and your search is fruitless, you may want to check the local animal shelter, where someone could have found her, and turned them over for safety’s sake.
You can ask your vet Aurora, CO about having your pet fitted with a microchip to increase your chances of being reunited in case your pet gets lost.