Sneezing is pretty much normal in cats. You will know that it is abnormal when the sneezing becomes excessive. If your pet cat sneezes occasionally then it should not concern you much. You can definitely check with your veterinarian if you want to be absolutely sure that it is just plain ordinary sneezing. Now if the sneezing becomes really frequent, then call your veterinarian as soon as possible. Sneezes are triggered mostly by irritants in the throat or nose. A cat may sneeze constantly if she is allergic to something in the environment, like perhaps ragweed, dust mites, pollen, mold, and various other airborne cat allergens. Your pet cat can also get near to household sprays or cleaners that have scents and so she starts sneezing. There are also studies that show smells trailed by cockroaches or mice could induce constant sneezing. Should your cat’s sneezing be coupled with bad breath, it may indicate dental abscesses or gum disease.
A visit to your vet clinic MuraBella, FL can help identify what’s causing your pet’s problem.