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Signs of Gingivitis in Persian Cats


Gingivitis can happen to cats no matter their breed (this includes Persian cats), age or gender. Gingivitis is often one of the first signs of periodontal disease in cats. For this reason, it’s important to brush your cat’s teeth on a routine basis to help clear food buildup. Common signs of gingivitis include inflamed or red gums as well as swollen gums. Inflammation may especially be present on the side of the gums facing the inner cheeks. If you don’t notice the red gums then you may notice the extremely bad breath also known as Halitosis. This is also one of the more common signs of gingivitis and it is usually one of the first things owners notice. An addition, your cat may appear to have a lot of plaque or calculus build-up on the surface of the teeth. If you notice any of these signs in your cat, please contact your vets Rochester, NY.



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