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Signs of Fatty Liver Disease in Cats

If you’re concerned that your cat is not behaving normally or that your cat may be ill then you should call your vet to schedule a regular exam or checkup. It’s better to have a professional vet examine your cat then try to guess what may be wrong with your cat and accidentally mistreat or not treat your cat at all. Your vet can run tests and review symptoms to determine if fatty liver may be present. Common signs of this disease include the lack of desire to eat. Cats often lose weight causing their body to think it needs to send fat reserves to the liver for breakdown which then overloads the liver. Your cat may also have vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, muscle wasting, depression, downward flexion of the head and neck, yellowing of the eyes, drooling, and possible collapse in later stages. Work with your pet clinic Litchfield Park, AZ to learn more.

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