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Should Your Dog Wear A Head Collar Or Head Halter?

A head collar (or a head halter) is handy for focusing a dog's attention on moving forward. It fastens behind the dog's ears after sliding over its snout. This collar redirects the dog's attention by effectively pointing its head in the path the walker wishes to go, making it ideal for gradually educating the pup to walk without dragging. The body follows the head naturally wherever it goes.

A significant advantage of head halters is that the dog will be more focused and know how to walk with a flexible leash. The walker can instruct the dog that a taunt leash which signifies "stop." Wearing this kind of collar makes the dog feel more at ease.

Getting the dog to cooperate at first might be difficult because this collar fastens to the nose. Treats are a successful motivator for many owners. Upon attaching the collar, it tends to touch the dog's face, which might be irritating. The dog could swing its front on the ground or paw at it to get rid of it.

One other crucial thing to remember while using head collars: Be careful not to whip the dog's head around violently. The design of this collar might result in serious harm if the wearer suddenly runs off and reaches the leash end.

Your veterinarian Savannah, GA is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.

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