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Senior Cat Care

As our feline companions grow older, their needs and care requirements change. Senior cats need extra attention and care to stay healthy and comfortable in their golden years.

Probably the most important part of caring for senior cats is providing them with regular veterinary check-ups. Older cats may develop conditions such as arthritis, dental problems, or kidney disease, which can be better managed when detected early. Additionally, senior cats may need adjustments to their diet to support their changing metabolism and digestive systems.

Senior cats may also need extra help with grooming and maintaining their hygiene, as they may have difficulty reaching certain areas or have decreased mobility. Regular brushing can help prevent matting and hairballs, and a clean litter box is essential for their comfort and health.

Providing a warm and comfortable living space with soft bedding, easy access to food and water, and plenty of love and attention will help senior cats thrive in their later years.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Apple Valley, MN.

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