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Ringworm In Rabbits And Guinea Pigs


Ringworm is a fungal skin infection that affect many types of mammals. It is caused by several species of fungi. In rabbits and guinea pigs, the most common causative agents are Tricophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis. Ringworm is technically referred to as ‘dermatophytosis’ or ‘dermatomycosis’. Did you know that ringworm is zoonotic? Yes, you can get them from infected rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, etc. If you have ringworm, you could also infect your pets.

The fungi that cause ringworm can form spores. Infected animals shed ringworm spores into their environment, where they can survive for more than 18 months. These spores are important source of infection as they contaminate the environment. Ringworm can also be acquired by direct contact.

Rabbits and guinea pigs with ringworm have areas all over their body that are bald and patchy. Their skin appears dry and scaly. It is often the head, face, ears, legs, and feet that are affected first. The lesions can be very itchy and persistent scratching can cause skin trauma and secondary bacterial infection.

If your pet rabbit or guinea pig is showing signs of infection, do make an appointment with your vet clinic Castle Hills TX immediately. Learn more here.



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