Many people have questioned social cognition in cats, thereby misunderstanding their pets, thinking that a cat is a solitary creature. But like humans, various relationships can be formed by cats, depending on that particular individual. Since a domestic house cat learns to socialize during the first few weeks of her life, she also learns how to become friendly towards humans that they have regular contact. Both domestic and feral cats also could build relationships with other cats around them.
In actuality, cats are quite socially cognitive, so long as they are offered an opportunity. As feline cognition is continuously studied, cats are found to be intelligent creatures. Domestic house cats use their predatory skills by applying them to their daily lives. You could even say that your cat’s ability to utilize her senses to detect danger and sense movement is quite superior to whatever humans once knew. Feline cognition abilities are something that one must take into consideration as you continue to share your life with these intelligent pets in your household throughout the years.
A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal hospital Sarasota, FL. Click here to set an appointment.