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Rabbit Care and Facts


For some reason, each new spring brings a rise in people adopting rabbits. If you’re up for taking one home with you, here are some bunny facts and care tips to guide you on your journey:

Bunnies are not related to rodents. Rabbits belong to the lagomorph family; their teeth consist of two pairs of incisors in the upper jaw. As they grow, so do their teeth. Make sure to get their teeth checked by a professional now and then.

Chewing is a habit. Rabbits are obsessed with chewing - they love it. Chewing maintains the length of a bunny’s teeth and keeps them from roaming around so much. Get some wood for your bunny to gnaw on. As much as possible, keep your electrical wires and cords out of reach. Keep them away from textured cloth such as towels and carpets. Your rabbit might nibble on its surface and may risk digesting the tiny bits of fabric which might lead to a blockage in their bowels.

You can distinguish a bunny by its ears. Fun fact, aside from superb hearing, rabbit ears regulate their body’s temperature!

A rabbit’s diet consists of fiber, feed your rabbit lots of dark and green vegetables, timothy grass, and quality pellets. A rabbit’s digestive system is designed to accommodate excess fiber. Rabbits also create cecotropes in addition to their spherical fecal pellets, which supply the nutrients needed to digest their food.

Bunny’s feet aren’t made just for luck, they add great speed to rabbits and can make loud thumps as a caution towards other creatures.

Rabbits are usually quiet however they are known to scream out of pain or fear. A rabbit grunting or even growling can occasionally be observed.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal hospital Michigan City, IN.



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