Possible causes why your dog might vomit include the possibility that he has been eating way too much, ingested something unwholesome, or it could be a symptom of another deeper health problem. If a dog consumes food that is spoiled, toxic substances, or even non-edible items like small toys, digestive tract issues might happen. Conversely, vomiting can also be a symptom of some as yet undetected medical issues. Cancer, diabetes, liver issues, uterine infections, viral infections, pancreatitis, and kidney diseases are just some of the possible conditions that can trigger persistent vomiting. Should you observe your pet vomiting, take note of how frequent it is and also other accompanying symptoms like appetite changes, presence of blood in the vomitus, diarrhea, and lethargy. If the vomiting is not too frequent, then it may not be something to be overly concerned about. Start monitoring your pet if he vomits continuously for two days or more and also has other symptoms as mentioned. In cases like these, the best thing to do is to take your pet to an animal clinic Portland, OR for a thorough checkup. Visit their site to know more.