If your cat is having trouble moving about please call your vet right away. Only a professional vet can examine your cat and determine if an illness on injury is present through a series of tests. In general, myelopathy paresis and paralysis is a disease that affects the spinal cord. Anytime the spinal cord is involved there is risk of the development of muscle or limb weakness (paresis) or complete loss of feeling or mobility (paralysis). The diagnosis process can be a lengthy one consisting of numerous tests including blood work, urinalysis, possible CT-scans and MRIs and even a collection of cerebrospinal fluid. The overall treatment for your cat will depend on the results of the test, which should reveal the underlying causes of the myelopathy. If fractures are involved, hospitalization may be required to re-set the fractures. If the cause is an infection, rounds of medications and steroids may be prescribed. Learn more through your vet clinic Sarasota, FL only. Make an appointment at this website Sarasota Animal Medical Center.